Comments on: Paranormal Activity – Learning how to budget your indie film Join us in our filmmaking experience. Tue, 16 Aug 2011 01:12:01 -0500 hourly 1 By: filmmaking resources Tue, 16 Aug 2011 01:12:01 +0000 One of the most important aspect of making a film and one of the first things that I feel you must consider once you have a working idea is the budget. The budget more than anything else can be the deciding factor on whether a movie is going to be made or not. I feel that once you have a well developed and through idea for a movie that you need to sit down and start to think about the budget for the film because hurts a film more then being stopped in the middle of production do to lack of funds.

By: filmmaker blog Sat, 27 Nov 2010 05:43:09 +0000 I love your trailer! Fissure looks like a really professional and interesting project. Great work.

By: mananafilms Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:28:01 +0000 absolutely agree on this. and i would say more; sometimes low budget indie projects are much more exciting to work on. I know some directors who succeed with their small projects and went bigger, but they still miss the times of their low-budget periods.
