Redemptive Storyteller Award

We were notified last week that Fissure has won the “Redemptive Storyteller Award” in the Professional Category at the Redemptive Film Festival in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We are very honored that Fissure has been selected for this reward.

Early on the script selection process, I had only two criteria:

1. As an independent film, we were looking for low-budget scripts to produce. So, the first requirement was that the script be “low budget”.

2. Our second requirement was that the story was redemptive–that the good guy wins, the bad guy loses, or the hero gets the girl.
This award demonstrates that Fissure met all of our criteria.

For those of you in and around Virginia Beach, we will be having a screening of Fissure at the Redemptive Film Festival on Friday, October 31st. Check out the festival website for more information.

This entry was posted on Friday, October 3rd, 2008 at 7:13 am and is filed under festivals.
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